
World Environmental Education Congress: Building Bridges in Times of Climate Urgency

Wed Sep 08 09:36:43 CEST 2021

WEEC is an opportunity to learn more about the latest in environmental and sustainability education, to discuss with people from all over the world, to share your own work and to learn from others.

The Network aims to facilitating cooperation and exchange among those who are committed to reflecting on environment and education, considered in its formal, non-formal and informal components (teaching, training, communication and theory). It also works to promote active, informed and responsible citizenship as a condition for a more peaceful, fair and ecological human society, to guarantee an equitable access to natural resources, and a harmonious relationship among human beings, other living beings and the planet.

The main theme of the event is “Building Bridges in Times of Climate Urgency” indicating endeavours to build bridges between different approaches to environmental education and education for sustainable development, across international boundaries, between formal, informal, and community education, as well as between researchers and practitioners around the world.

The themes of the Congress:

  • Action competence and key competences for sustainability
  • Arts, ethics, and EE
  • Business Sector and EE
  • Climate Change Education
  • Early Childhood Education: The Foundation of ESD
  • Education for Environmental Citizenship
  • EE in Non-Formal Settings
  • EE in the Anthropocene
  • Outdoor EE: Bridging Nature Experiences with School and Home
  • Place-based Education
  • Sustainable Universities
  • Transformative, Transgressive learning in communities
  • Whole School Approaches to Environmental and Sustainability Education
  • Cross-cutting theme
  • Water for life

The event is open to everyone interested in education and environment and sustainable development. Particularly the congress targets researchers, educators, students, decision-makers, NGO or media representatives.

The Congress will take place on 14-18 March 2022 in Prague (The Prague Congress Centre).

Abstract submission deadline is November 30, 2021, at 23.59 CET.

The programme is available here.

More information about the event is available here.

Photo: Pixabay


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