
Virtual seminar: Technological innovation in transport and mobility

Thu Apr 22 12:52:00 CEST 2021

On 27 May and 1 June 2021, Liaison offices for research, development and innovation in Brussels from Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland jointly organize a virtual event Mobility and Transport Days.

The objective of the event is to give participants an overview on EU R&D&I policy developments and funding instruments in the field of transport and mobility as well as gather all the relevant stakeholders intending to apply for funding in the Cluster V calls of the Horizon Europe programme. The event thus endeavours to contribute to the broader goals of the Horizon Europe regarding the innovative solutions for clean and competitive solutions for all transport modes as well as safe, resilient transport and smart mobility services for passengers and goods.

The official part of the event will be followed by brokerage session based on pre-scheduled meetings that is organized in cooperation with the Horizon Europe National Contact Points office in Slovakia in partnership with the Enterprise Europe Network. The brokerage session will be open for interested participants until 2 June 2021.

More information about the event is available here.

You can register here.


Photo: Pixabay


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