Results of the ERC Starting grants 2023
Wed Sep 06 10:31:00 CEST 2023
Of the 2,696 proposals, 400 ERC Starting Grants will be supported with principal investigators representing 44 nationalities from 24 countries.
Germany received the most grants (87), which leads in almost all calls, followed by France (50), the Netherlands (44) and the United Kingdom (32). At the same time, it is important to note that although the holders are primarily Germans (66 investigators), Italians (57), French (32) and Danes (27), although in Italy and Denmark alone far fewer grants will be dealt with. 14 Europeans currently residing in the US will return to the "old continent" to deal with their grants. Israel has also received 26 grants, mainly in the sciences of animate and inanimate nature, while Denmark and the Netherlands lead in the humanities and social sciences.
The so-called widening countries are represented, as usual, to a small extent. The Czech Republic received 3 grants: 2 from Masaryk University, one from Charles University. The grant from Charles University is in the field of social sciences and humanities and you can read more about the holder and the project in the UK Forum magazine. Projects from MU are from the field of natural sciences.
Of the other Widening countries, Greece, Estonia, Turkey and Poland received two grants (although Poles are also principal investigators in other countries), Portugal four, Romania and Slovenia one, Cyprus also one, Slovakia and Hungary none.
In addition to the ERC Press Release, we recommend that you check the statistics and the list of projects by individual scientific areas for inspiration there, as well as selected projects.
Photo: ERC