
QuantERA announces a call for proposals

Fri Mar 19 13:05:49 CET 2021

In 2021, the Czech Republic, specifically the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS) and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR), joined the QuantERA network supporting research in the field of quantum technologies.

Project proposals should be aligned with one of the two preselected topics:

  • Quantum Phenomena and Resources – basic research; administered and financed by the MEYS (detailed conditions for Czech applicants can be found here)
  • Applied Quantum Science – applied research, administered and financed by the TA CR (detailed conditions for Czech applicants can be found here)

Project consortia must involve a minimum of 3 eligible partners requesting funding in at least 3 of the participating countries. Conditions of the call as well as the list of participating countries can be found on the QuantERA website.

The application procedure consists of two stages:

  • Pre-proposals should be submitted by 13 May 2021, 17:00 CET.
  • The deadline for full proposals is on 15 September 2021, 17:00 CET.

The electronic submission system will be accessible from April 2021. For the 1st stage of proposal submission, please use this template.

To search for potential partners to your consortium, please use this match-making portal.


It is recommended so that those interested in applying consider joining an information webinar organised by the QuantERA partnership on 13 April 2021 from 13:00 till 15:00 CET. Registration has not been announced yet, please check the QuantERA website for updates.


Photo: Pixabay


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