
Online workshop: Pathways to address brain drain issues in the EU

Fri Sep 03 10:13:41 CEST 2021

The workshop will give a brief overview of the main causes for brain drain of researchers in different EU Member States.

These causes have been identified in the ongoing study “Knowledge ecosystems in the new ERA”, as well as good practices and recommended avenues of action to address these issues at national and EU level.

Agenda of the workshop:

  • 9:30–9:50: Welcome by the European Commission and introduction to the study
  • 9:50–10:40: Causes and pathways related to the research system and environment
  • 10:40 – 10:50: Break
  • 10:50–11:40: Causes and pathways related to working conditions and research excellence
  • 11:40–11:50: Plenary summary and discussion
  • 11:50–12:20: EU-level recommendations
  • 12:20–12:30 Synthesis and closing of the workshop

The event will take place on 7 September 2021, 9:30-12:30 CEST.

Registration is required and available here.

Photo: Pixabay


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