
MSCA: new information brochure

Mon Mar 20 14:56:52 CET 2023

The Technological Centre Prague has published a new information brochure for those interested in Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions grants.

As the author team explains: "This publication is intended not only for applicant institutions and researchers applying for MSCA grants, but also for the solvers of already approved MSCA projects, as well as project managers, both in the phase of project preparation and during their implementation. It enables quick orientation in the five types of MSC events, informs about the method of submitting project proposals and their evaluation, presents the basic principles of financing MSCA projects incl. reporting of costs, reporting, controls and audits, provides general information on labor law aspects associated with the implementation of these projects and, last but not least, also briefly summarizes the issues of ethics, open science, dissemination and use of research results and intellectual property rights. It contains a range of useful advice and tips gathered by National Contact Officers (NCPs) in their day-to-day work and through collaboration with researchers involved in MSCA projects, evaluators of these projects and project managers providing institutional support" (TC).


Photo: Pixabay


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