Lump sum: video tutorials and Q&A
Fri Jul 28 14:59:14 CEST 2023
The method of financing by lump sum, compared to real costs, is currently in a trial period, but the aim of the EC is to finance half of all projects in this way in order to simplify the entire project management procedure, especially to avoid reporting real costs. Get acquainted with EC video tutorials and Q&A for the ERC Advanced Grant.
The videos are available on the Funding and Tenders portal. The EC points out that they were created to inform experts evaluating lump sum proposals, but they are also useful for applicants preparing a lump sum proposal. The first video provides an overview and describes what changes with lump sums. The second video explains the detailed budget table.
Specifically for ERC Avanced grants, which will be funded on a lump sum trial basis in 2024, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions here.
Photo: pixabay