
International Science Council and its support for early-career scientists

Fri Apr 21 12:46:06 CEST 2023

The International Science Council (ISC) has welcomed 15 new member associations from around the globe thanks to its membership campaign which offers free Affiliated Membership to all eligible organizations of young scientists.

As the ISC blog post states, "the ISC recognizes that "early-career scientists and young academies are confronted with many challenges when navigating and evolving within complex science systems. These challenges include funding, access to resources and support, as well as the need to build collaborative relationships within the scientific community."

"The 15 Young Academies and Associations which joined the ISC will form part of a Sounding Board ... which will be offering opportunities for collaboration with ISC Members within an ecosystem of information exchange, regular meetings and joint initiatives."

Other eligible members are welcome! Contact details are in the blog post (link above).

Why become a member of the ISC?


Photo: Pixabay




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