
Info event on hydrogen with and for V4 countries

Thu Jan 20 15:03:13 CET 2022

This event will allow the participants to mutually inform each other about national and European programmes, to have a clearer picture about the broad landscape on hydrogen research and innovation, to define synergies and possible fields for future cooperation.

The objective of the information event is twofold:

  • European hydrogen-related initiatives, programmes and partnerships will be presented to interested stakeholders from the V4 countries, representing policy, research as well as industry.
  • The V4 countries will also shortly present the latest developments in their countries to the main European actors.

The event will serve as a steppingstone for future communication and cooperation among participants from Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

The event will take place online on 8 February 2022, 14:00-17:00 CET.

Registration for the event is required and available here.

More information about the event is available here.

Photo: Pixabay


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