
First two years of Horizon Europe

Fri Feb 03 16:45:44 CET 2023

Horizon Europe is entering its third year, and the latest statistics offer insight into how the EU has been spending €95.5 billion on research.

Although we recommend reading the entire article in the original here and especially all the graphs contained in it, some insights are essential:

- the success rate in the first two years increased from 12% in Horizon 2020 to 16% in the first two years of HE

- the participation of British universities, which have always been among the biggest recipients of research funding, fell by half as a result of Brexit, i.e. non-association with Horizon Europe - however, this fact, in addition to purely economic effects, also has an impact on science as such, British scientists and universities really belong to top notch

- the success rate in the project submission of the so-called Widening countries (especially post-communist countries, but also Malta, Cyprus and Portugal) was comparable to that of the so-called EU27, with Slovakia and Lithuania achieving the highest rate equaling that of Belgium (more about the rate comparison success rates in the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programs can be read in English here)

- despite this progress in terms of the rate of successfulness, the total share of the "Widening" countries in the disbursed budget is the same as that of Germany


Photo: Pixabay



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