
EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2023

Thu Apr 13 12:24:06 CEST 2023

From April 25 to 28 a large-scale week-long online conference combined with trainings to exchange experiences and discover novel approaches of creating value from scientific findings and inventions.

Part of the series of events is to present the EU Guiding Principles for Knowledge Valorisation, the European Codes of Practice on intellectual assets management and the EU Knowledge Valorisation Platform - all links in this event annoucement.

The three thematic days of the Week will focus on 1) valorisation for sustainability, 2) management of intellectual assets and 3) industry-academia cooperation. Part of the programme are trainings for researchers, young innovators and anyone interested. On Friday, a series of free online courses on intellectual assets management will follow. Explore the entire programme here.

For available trainings, check out the EIT Virtual Campus website.

The event is free of charge and open to public yet registration is necessary.


Photo: Pixabay


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