
Czech Republic remains at the level of a moderate innovator

Thu Jul 13 09:11:25 CEST 2023

The European Innovation Scoreboard provides a comparative assessment of the Research and Innovation performance of EU Member States, other European countries, and regional neighbours. It helps countries assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of their national innovation systems and identify challenges that they need to address.

Based on their scores, EU countries fall into four performance groups: Innovation leaders, Strong innovators, Moderate innovators and Emerging innovators. 

Denmark is the new top innovator with the best performance in the EU, overtaking Sweden after a few years in leading position. Other Innovation Leaders are Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, and Belgium.

Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Ireland, Cyprus, and France are Strong innovators, performing above the EU average.

Estonia, Slovenia, Czechia, Italy, Spain, Malta, Portugal, Lithuania, Greece and Hungary are Moderate innovators.

Croatia, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Bulgaria and Romania are Emerging Innovators.

More information can be found here.

Photo: Pixabay


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