
Conference on MSCA: Facilitating brain circulation in the new European Research Area

Thu Sep 09 09:53:00 CEST 2021

The virtual conference will draw attention to one of the key elements of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – the mobility patterns of MSCA fellows.

The conference will focus on the researcher mobility abroad from national perspectives. The virtual conference format will enable broader participation by MSCA fellows and early-career researchers to discuss the various aspects of researcher mobility.

The conference will highlight the concept of mobility in ERA, brain circulation, improving living and working conditions, as well as addressing the skills mismatch.

 The aim of the conference is to raise awareness of the importance of intra-European member states research mobility patterns, through sharing success stories and best practice for MSCA fellows' reintegration. Discussions will help prepare new tools and instruments for stable, less insecure and more long-term working opportunities for MSCA fellows, in line with their career development aspirations.

The conference will take place online on 15 and 16 November 2021.

More information is available here.

Photo: Pixabay


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