
Conference: From Twinning to Excellence Hub for Tunisian Farm Advisory System

Thu Oct 14 10:34:39 CEST 2021

Farmers’ Adaptation and Sustainability in Tunisia through Excellence in Research (FASTER) is a Twinning Project funded by European Commission through Horizon 2020 funding programme.

FASTER aims to reinforce the research and knowledge transfer capacity of INRGREF related to innovative land and water management for climate change adaptation and its implementation through the use of Farm Advisory Systems (FAS).

The event represents an opportunity to share the Project findings and main outputs, after three years of intense work; enhancing research, developing digital capacity building and networking instruments as the e-learning platform and Excellence Hub.

A morning session, organised online (English language), in which synergies and clustering activities with ongoing initiatives will be shown, in order to foster innovation ecosystems in Tunisia and beyond, creating better linkages between academia, business and government.

An afternoon session, organised in presence in Tunisia (by invitation only, French language), where local stakeholders will have the possibility to visit the FASTER Exhibition presenting the main outputs and findings of the project. There will be moments of discussion and stakeholder engagement, during which participants could provide their feedback and testimonial on how to foster rural development and the empowerment of Tunisian research about natural resources management and climate change.

The event will take place in hybrid format on 20 October 2021, 09:30-19:30 CET.

Detailed agenda of the event is available here.

Registration for the event is required and available here. The deadline for registration is 17 October 2021.

More information about the event is available here.

Photo: Pixabay


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