CZ-SK Information Day for MSCA Staff Exchanges
Mon Mar 13 09:10:28 CET 2023
Register until March 24 for the Information Day dedicated exclusively to MSCA Staff Exchanges, which will take place on March 29 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Palacký University in Olomouc under the auspices of the Technology Center Prague and the Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic.
The aim of the infoday is to familiarize potential applicants with the requirements for MSCA Staff Exchange projects. The main parameters of the 2023 call will be presented by a representative of the European Commission at the event - the call in 2023 will be opened on 5 October and closed on 28 February 2024. Current investigators, both from the academic and non-academic sectors, will share their experience with the preparation and implementation of projects of this type at the infoday.
The MSCA Staff Exchanges scheme supports international staff exchange between the institutions participating in the consortium. Its purpose is to facilitate knowledge transfer and cooperation between the academic and non-academic sectors (including SMEs) and to foster the innovative thinking of posted employees.
A link to the registration form and a detailed program can be found here.
Photo: Pixabay