Brexit: new development
Tue Jun 13 17:39:00 CEST 2023
June 8, the UK government announced an extension to the support provided to UK Horizon Europe applicants until the end of September 2023, i.e. by another three months.
The extension is applicable to "all Horizon Europe calls that close on or before 30 September 2023". "Eligible, successful applicantsto Horizon Europe will receive the full value of their funding at their UK host institution for the lifetime of their grant." (in: UK Gov Press Release)
After two years of negotiations, first over the Northern Ireland protocol and then over how much the UK pays into Horizon Europe’s, the talks reached a deadlock. The UK government states the delays have been caused by the EU´s stance.
The Science/Business explains that "according to the original UK-EU research deal agreed in December 2020, the UK has to pay into Horizon Europe a sum in proportion to its GDP. But, if for two consecutive years, the UK takes out more than it puts into the programme by an amount that exceeds 8% of its contribution, it will have to reimburse the EU to cover the difference. In turn, the UK can terminate its participation in Horizon Europe if its financial contribution increases by 15% or if UK researchers are excluded from more than 10% of the programme." As a result, "if financial models predict the UK would get less money out than it puts in", the UK association to HEU is less probable.
In April 2023, the UK government has launched an alternative programme Pioneer. However, it is uncertain whether it will be run simultaneously, because its reception by the science and research community has been ambiguous.
See related UKRI´s guidance for the Horizon Europe guarantee scheme to make the picture complete.
Photo: pixabay