In 2019, the CAS joined the SEA-Europe JFS (Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation) activity that supports international cooperation, specifically consortium projects between European countries and Southeast Asian countries. 


Launch of 9th SEA-Europe JFS Call 2024/2025 

The main topic is Climate Change Adaptation & Local Resilience that covers three subtopics            

1. Waste Water Treatment and Reuse (Industrial & Municipal)
2. Underwater and Above-water Biomass Farms Working with Renewable Energy
3. Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Inorganic and Organic Soils

The condition for submitting a joint project proposal is the formation of a consortium of at least three scientific teams from the countries involved in the SEA-Europe JFS activity, respectively from Europe and South-East Asia (FNRS – Belgium, BMBF – Germany; MoST – Myanmar; CDTI-E.P.E. – Spain; SNSF – Switzerland; NRCT – Thailand; TÜBITAK – Türkiye; MoST – Vietnam), with teams from both regions.

More detailed information and terms and condition of JFS are available on their website: Calls for Proposals | Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Funding Scheme for research and innovation (

National regulation of the Czech Academy of Sciences are available under a document here: “National Regulations

The apliacant is required to complete and submit two documents to fully apply for the project funding as follows:

1. to submit project proopsal via the JFS online tool PT-Outline (, by 31 January 2025 (12:00 noon CET / 5:00 pm Jakarta/Bagkok time),

2. to fill in the„Project Proposal Details form and send it to the National Focal Point via the e-mail address, by 7 February 2025 (23:59 CET).

The terms of financial support are governed by the national rules of the partner organisations. Each partner organisation shall exclusively cover the costs of the national part of the supported projects. In the case of the Czech Republic, only scientists affiliated to the Czech Academy of Sciences are eligible to apply for financial support. The maximum total amount that the CAS will support a successful team is  EUR 120 000 for the entire duration of the project (i.e. 24-36 months). A total amount of EUR 240 000 is earmarked for the call.

National Focus Point: Ms Julie Smilnická (, +420 221 403 421)


8th SEA-Europe JFS Call 2023/2024 

Edit. 09/2024 - under the evaluation procedure 

Call announced on December 1, 2023: Circular Economy and Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply

Proposals for STI projects have to be submitted electronically using PT-Outline Web Tool, accessible through

During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the Call on 1st of December 2023 until the 15th of April 2024, 12:00pm CEST (noon) / 05:00pm Bangkok/Jakarta time.

Any proposal that is submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted by the secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.

In addition, the research team from the CAS is obliged to send a completed "Project Proposal Details" form to until the 15th of April 2024.

The conditions for financial support are governed by the national rules of the partner organisations. Each partner organisation only covers the costs of the national part of the winning projects. In the case of the Czech Republic, only scientists affiliated with the CAS are eligible applicants for financial support. The maximum total amount that the CAS will support a successful team is EUR 120,000 for the entire duration of the project (i.e. 24−36 months).