
Project preparation schedule

All ERC grant holders agree that the development of a high-quality project proposal requires a lot of time, continuous refinement and a large amount of consultation with colleagues in the field and outside the field.

Here is a preparation schedule that connects the national and European levels:

I. Getting to know ERC grants

24-18 months before a potential deadline

  • familiarise yourself with the current ERC Work programme, the Information for Applicants, the Guide for Reviewers for the given call and type of grant, and the evaluation criteria (in the section Apply for a grant under each call)

  • watch the how-to videos of the ERC Classes
  • find out about your potential panel and its current and past members (search here)

  • scan through the FAQs on the ERC website
  • find out what support your home or host institution offers

  • get acquainted with successful projects (at the CAS and in general)

Every year in autumn (mid) November)

II. Preparation of project proposal and presentation

18 to 12 months before the deadline

  • start writing the 1st draft

  • present parts of your project and get feedback from academic colleagues and laypeople (experts from other disciplines), consult, and improve your CV, track record (e.g., the CAS librarians can help prepare the list of publications, citation quotient, etc.)

by April in the year of the call´s deadline

  • have a precise draft of the project, abstract, CV and track record ready by April to apply for the workshops with the Expert Group

  • prepare a presentation – consult the graphic, visual and linguistic aspects

  • try to present in front of experts and laypeople (make a video recording)
III. Project refinement, preparatory workshops, and project submission

Every year in spring (application in April, workshops in May, June, September)

  • sign up for preparatory workshops organised by the Expert Group (EG) to support applicants in ERC calls:

    • 1st workshop: five-minute presentation of the main research idea, the project and you as a researcher (see two documents Workshop: How to present your proposal and Evaluation criteria)

    • 2nd workshop: practice evaluation of project proposals and discussion with ERC grantees (the applicant will try out the role of an evaluator, then one project within each scientific area is discussed)

    • 3rd workshop: feedback on part B1 of the applicant's project proposal (discussion with EG)

  • If you are not accepted to the workshops, it is not an obstacle to applying for a grant!

Submission of the project itself

  • get acquainted with the detailed instructions in the ERC grants presentation (pp.17-28)
  • reconsider submission in view of the risks of poor evaluation
IV. Project evaluation rounds and preparatory interviews

1st Round of Evaluation and Results

  • familiarise yourself with the timeline and progress of project evaluation in the Information for Applicants brochures for each type of grant (Apply for grant on the ERC website)

Mock interviews

  • for those who have advanced to the 2nd round of the evaluation of their projects, the Expert Group prepares mock interviews for applicants for Starting, Consolidator and Advanced grants
  • familiarise yourself with the supporting materials Mock interviews: What to consider when preparing your presentation a Mock interview: Examples of questions (both are here)

2nd – 3rd round of evaluation – interviews

  • according to the type of grant and the schedule and progress of project evaluation in the Information for Applicants brochures for individual types of grants (Apply for grant on the ERC website)
V. Grant agreement preparation phase

If you have been successful and have received an ERC grant, there is still the possibility to use the time of preparation of the grant agreement for last minute changes in the budget and it is also possible to postpone the deadline for the implementation of the project.

Consult Vademecum, pp. 71-73, or Guidance notes on preparing the grant agreement for ERC Frontier Research Grants.

The current model grant agreement is available here.



2024 Call


Evaluation of 2024 calls

Expected dates of announcement and closing of calls


11/7/2023 -


invitation for 1st interviews: 3/2024

results of the 1st round: start of 5/2024

invitation for 2nd interviews: 5-6/2024

results of the 2nd round: end of 8/2024

July-October (November in 2023 due to conflict in Israel)

12/9/2023 -



results: 6/2024


results: 12/2024

September/October to December-March

29/5/2024 -



May to August can be expected

12/7/2023 -


1st round: 2-3/2024

results: max. 3/5/2024

2nd round: 17-21/6/2024

results: max 30/8/2024

3rd round: 9/2024

results: max 4/11/2024

July to November


14/3/2024 + 17/9/2024


results: 27/6/2024


results: 14/1/2025


two cut off dates in spring and autumn

last update 4/2024